HBV-related Antibodies

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HBsAg is the surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBsAg is known to be present in blood if HBV infected patients, and used as a important diagnostic maker of HBV infection. HBsAg forms a small lipid particle(diameter 50 to 60nm)in which many antigen protein are present. Each antigen protein has three domains, called S, Pre-S1 and Pre-S2. L-type antigen contains all the three domains, M-type antigen contains S- and Pre-S2, and S-type antigen consisted of only S-domains. During the process of HBV infection, Pre-S1 domain plays a key role for host (hepatic) cell recognition, and Pre-S2 domain is essential for cell penetration. In infected patients, hepatic cells produces a lot of non-infectious S-type HBsAg (HBV mimetics without genome). The detection of serum Pre-S2 and Pre-S1 antigen is, therefore, very important to reveal the mechanism of HBV infection. Beacle has over a decade of R&D history on HBsAg and related materials. In this page we introduce HBsAg-related antibodies. All antibodies listed here are good for western blot and ELISA.

General flyer for HBV-related antibodies

Products listed in this page can be ordered directly to us through order form.

Properties of antibodies

Our HBs antibodies are raised against recombinant antigens. They are generally good for western and ELISA.

Types of antibodies

1. Anti-HBs Pre-S1 antibodies (monoclonal)
Mouse monoclonal antibody against Pre-S1 reagion. Two types of anti-Pre-S1 monoclonal antibodies are available. Both products can be used for Western blotting. A sandwich ELISA system can be established by using these two antibodies or with below polyclonal antibody. For detail see Pre-S1 mono datasheet. “Pre-S1 detecting ELISA kit” is also available. Click here for “ELISA kit“.

2. Anti-HBs Pre-S1 antibody(polyclonal)
Polyclonal antibody raised against HBs Pre-S1 peptide in rabbit. Three types are available, these antibodies differ in their recognition of HBV genotypes. The products can be used for western and ELISA. For the detail please check Pre-S1 polyclonal antibody datasheet. “Pre-S1 detecting ELISA kit” is also available. Click here for “ELISA kit“.

3. Anti-HBs Pre-S2 antibody(monoclonal)
Mouse monoclonal antibody against Pre-S2 reagion. Two types of antibodies are available, these antibodies considerably differ in their recognition of HBV genotypes. The product is useful for western blot and ELISA. For detail see Pre-S2 monoclonal antibody datasheet. “Pre-S2 detecting ELISA kit” is also available. Click here for “ELISA kit“.

4. Anti-HBs Pre-S2 antibody(polyclonal)
Polyclonal antibody raised against HBs Pre-S2 peptide in rabbit. The product can be used for western and ELISA. For the detail please check Pre-S2 polyclonal antibody datasheet. “Pre-S2 detecting ELISA kit” is also available. Click here for “ELISA kit“.

5. Anti-HBs S antibody(monoclonal)
Monoclonal antibody raised against HBs S-protein (so called HBsAg) in mouse. Two types of antibodies are available, these antibodies considerably differ in their recognition of HBV genotypes. The product can be used for western, and ELISA. For the detail please check HBsAg monoclonal antibody datasheet. “HBs S-protein detecting ELISA kit” is also available. Click here for “ELISA kit“.

6. Anti-HBs S antibody(polyclonal)
Polyclonal antibody raised against HBs S-protein (so called HBsAg) in rabbit. The product can be used for western, and ELISA. For the detail please check HBsAg polyclonal antibody datasheet. “HBs S-protein detecting ELISA kit” is also available. Click here for “ELISA kit“.

7. Anti-HBcAg antibody(polyclonal)
Polyclonal antibody raised against HBV core antigen (so called HBcAg) in rabbit. The product can be used for western, and ELISA. For the detail please check anti-HBcAg polyclonal antibody datasheet

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