Easy ELISA Constructor (ab)

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Product outline

Antigen-specific binding (titer) of antibody is the very important character of antibody and antiserum.  Using our original multi-antibody detection (MAD) system, we developed a kit product called Easy ELISA Constructor. By using the kit you can easily and rapidly construct a highly sensitive antibody detecting ELISA system and evaluate samples with quick protocol. The only material you need is antigen.  Two types of products are available, Easy ELISA Constructor (ab) and Easy ELISA Constructor Multi (ab) .

flyer for Easy ELISA constructor


To determine antigen specific IgG binding activity (antibody titer), we use direct method, where antibody binds to antigen coated plate is detected by MAD reagent.  There are two types of MAD reagents.  Original MAD reagents binds to IgG subtypes of most mammal species, but binding are weak to some IgGs (such as mouse IgG1, goat IgG and human IgG3).  Recently developed MAD II reagent binds to all IgG subtypes of  essentially all mammal species generally used in animal experiments. Both MAD reagent is composed of protein particle displaying  200 to 400 antibody binding sites and labeled with more than 50 HRP molecules, and enables  highly sensitive detection of  IgGs. Due to the high sensitivity, rapid measurement is also possible.

Product Features

Easy ELISA Constructor (ab) and Easy ELISA Constructor Multi (ab)  are kits for construction of  ELISA system to detect antigen specific antibody binding activity (titer) of most IgGs with high sensitivity under rapid protocol.

1. Easily construct ELISA for determining antibody titer, all you need is antigen
2. Even a beginner can easily construct ELISA by just follow the attached manual
3. The constructed ELISA provide high sensitivity detection
4. Due to quick (90 min) assay, requires only half a day from construction to evaluation
5. Pre-coated plate can be stored for later evaluation
6. With attached positive control,  easy to evaluate ELISA and sample

For the detail click the Flyer (in preparation)

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